Wow! I know I keep saying this but time is flying by. Eli is now 2 months old! We had his 2 month appt yesterday. I have started calling him "big boy" so much that the girls' now mimic this. He, in fact, is a big boy. The stats from the Dr. appt yesterday: 14lbs which is 90% for weight and 24in which is 85% for height. Dr. says he looks like a 4 month old which explains why he's wearing 3-6 month sizes! The infant seat probably only last until he is 6 months. We'll enjoy it while we can. Eli has had a constant tearing and mattering in his left eye. This is being caused by a clogged eye duct. We are now trying a new medication to stop the yellow mattering and will massage the duct area. Hopefully, it will unclog itself. Otherwise, an opthamologist would have to unclog it but not until he's at least 9 months of age. All in all, he is an extremely healthy boy. Oh, Eli also has graduated to his crib as of last Tuesday. No more cradle/bassinet. This child grunts and groans in his sleep more than any other child I know = )
As for the girls, last Thursday they enjoyed a snow day at home with mom. Ofcourse, they wanted to got outside. So, until I got Eli down, they played on the fort in the backyard in the snow. Swinging and going down the slide. Pretty funny. I did manage to take them sledding and Mark got off early so Schuyler went out for a second round after nap. I will try and post some of those pics soon. In the meantime, so you can enjoy these. Mommy gets her play time too! Gma S made the cute little sweater and hat.
1 comment:
It's so not fair!!! He's 2 months old and I still haven't got up there to visit you! I'm such a loser photo friend!!! I guess we are gonna just have to schedule a photo play day soon!!! I always look fwd to those day.. cept this year I think we need to consider our day according to the milder seasons! ha We are either freezing or dying of heat! ;)
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