I think the above title sums up the last week.
Thursday afternoon, Schuyler and I went to pick up Mack from school. There was sign on the door indicating 4 cases of strep had been reported at school and it listed the symptoms. Schuyler had been exhibiting all of them. So, the next morning, I got her into the Dr. Sure enough, 'lil sweet pea was a positive for strep. Since that time, they (the Montessori) has had 13 cases of strep bringing the total up to 28 in the last 4 weeks. Only 4 kids, have not got it yet. Keep your fingers crossed for McKenzie's continued health!
Back to Schuyler. Although she was not able to attend her b-day party she was able to make her violin practice and the recital on Sunday. She did great. She looked so proud as she walked from the top of the stairs where we were sitting to the front, keeping her violin in rest position the whole way. She kept looking at the crowd and grinning. I was hoping she was paying enough atttention to where she was walking so she would not fall. She played "Mountain Song" and for the most part hit all the notes and her rhthym was great.
That leaves the story about "Tippy Toe Girl". There is a girl who does point ballet after Schuyler's dance class. Mack is obsessed with her and calls her "Tippy Toe Girl". We were early this Tuesday to pick Schuyler up so I started a conversation with her. Mack was actually shy. This was the first time I had seen this side of Mack. Her real name is Lily and both her mom and grandma did point ballet. She has 3 older siblings and a younger sister who is 3 and she shares a room with her. Lily happens to think Mack is pretty cute too and you can tell she's very good with younger children. Is it any wonder my 2 1/2 year walks around on her very tip toes at home = )
The above pic is another from my play date back in Nov and I believe it is courtesy of Holly. Two little girls cuddling their toys and licking their lollipops with not a care in the world = )
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