Early Merry Christmas greetings to all of you. This week has flown by!
The kids got flu shots on Monday and they both were champs. This was the first time Schuyler got her's in the arm instead of the leg. She must be getting bigger. She didn't even peep! Mackie got upset at the end but once the stickers came out, all was better.
Tuesday was dance class and then a visit to Santa at Mark's work. It's so nice they do this. No standing in lines and a personable and friendly Santa. Schuyler went right up and gave him a hug. She was curious to know if he had drove his sleigh or if he drove a car = ) Mack was not impressed with Santa. She would not go up to him. So, I basically got her all pretty to eat a cookie and candy cane = ) Oh well!
Wednesday, I treated myself to what will probably be my last hair cut and color for a while.
Last night, Thursday, Papa picked up the kids from school and took them to their first ever movie, Happy Feet. Schuyler loved it and Mack did okay, too! They devoured the popcorn and made it through the whole thing. Afterwards, McDonald's! I was able to do some returns, get my last xmas present, work on a special project for the grandparents, and made some treats for the neighbors. Thanks dad!!
As for today, I have a Dr.'s appt. I'm down to 2 1/2 weeks. I'm sure we'll go look at xmas lights one of these nights. Candy Cane Lane is one of the faves. A street where every house has a candy cane and most all are decorated.
I'll be off work almost all next! I'm not sure how often I'll get to blogging, could be more, could be less.
Hope everybody has a happy holiday season!