So, last night we resumed swim lessons. When Schuyler was in level 1 of swim lessons, their group of 4 sat on the steps in the pool. Level 2, however, stands on a bench like thing in the water. She was VERY unsure of this at first. The teacher helped her in the pool and I sat next to the edge to hold her hand. She did not want do 'bobs' in the pool and you could tell she was scared b/c she wouldn't look at the teacher when she was giving instructions. A sure sign that Schuyler is nervous. They worked a lot on back floats. By the end of class she was much more relaxed. This will be a good class for her.
Mack on the other hand is fearless. She could barely contain herself while we waited (and it was only for 5 minutes b/c Papa was kind enough to take her outside to swim while Schuyler had her lesson). I think she provided entertainment for all who were watching. Here are some humerous things she did: yelled across the pool "Daddy I swim lessons", retrieved and threw a ball - almost nailing a dad in the head, and yes, the best is watching her jump in the pool as goes completely under and comes up w/ a big grin on her face.
These are sure to be some fun and memorable times! The pic is way back from early May when we were in Hastings for Mark's parents anniversary. Can you tell Mack is so intrigued watching her cousin?
Oh, update on Jack (posted previously about him). It is a benign tumore that needs to be removed but shouldn't cause him any problems. This is actually better the vascular abnromality which was what they thought it was initially. Thanks for thoughts and prayers. I
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