Okay, for those of you don't know, and there still may be a few of you out there, we are expecting our third child. #3!! This was a surprise to both Mark and I and took a little time to adjust to but we are excited. And the girls, well, Schuyler is sure it's a "brudder". McKenzie I don't think has grasped the whole concept yet.
One of the things I have learned in my journey of life is that God works in amazing ways! This year, I have devoted myself to Christ. This is/was a huge step for me in my faith. Since this time, I have truly experienced his hand at work. The hardest part was to let go...to realize that I'm not in control. This is still a struggle for me but let me tell you some amazing things have happened. I'll give details some time but not today. Anyway, just thought I would share that little bit.
I'll keep you all posted on baby developments!
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