are so precious. Just look at them. All the emotions of sisters. I never had a sister so I'm not sure what this bond means but I see it in my girls daily. So many words to describe it... a deep love, the bestest friend, a competitor, a partner in crime, a person who speaks the same language and understands it. A bond that will last their whole lives and I hope a part of it is filled with wonderful childhoold memories. Mark and I get the so much joy from watching them. Most of times they are the best of friends. But there are times when it's best if they are in separate rooms. So different in so many ways yet they compliment each other so well. Can you tell we love watching them grow!
Mark finished his last test on Monday. He has been studying for a series of tests for his new job and has passed them with flying colors even though he always thought he was going to do bad. He spent Monday and Tuesday in Iowa. Now he has a list of house projects to prepare our house to be raided by 10-15 4 year olds for Schuyler's first real b-day party on the 29th. Don't worry, we'll share the story!
I finished quarter-end work and started my new job today. I was sent on my way with a great farewell from a bunch of great galls! You know who you are and hugs to ALL of you! Guess it's not really a farewell since I plan to stay in close contact. I'm a bit overwhelmed after my first day but looking forward to a lot of challenges.
We had a wonderful, quiet Easter at my dad's. All I had to cook was bread and a pie! And, I got a 2 hour nap that day. That's the longest nap I've had probably since little Mack was born! It's amazing what a little rest will do for you!
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