Our Eli man is getting bigger and I don't always realize it until I'm flipping through pictures. Sometimes I feel like we're shuffling the older 2 here and there that we don't get those special little moments with him. So, I'm taking a moment to record some thoughts, random sayings and anything else that pops into this overloaded brain of mine. E-Man does NOT like loud noises. He was still not a fan of fireworks, which meant that all 3 July 4th parties he could be found inside. This also includes thunderstorms. He will tell you he is "scaredy". The spider-man obsession continues. At night, he will ask, "Mom, when will I turn into Spiderman?" It does not matter that we constantly remind him that Spiderman is fictitious. He does not care. Eli does NOT like veggies and I struggle with creative ways to include them in his diet. Baby carrots is pretty much it unless you count potatoes of any kind. He might be a future baseball player. We pitch the ball to him and he hits it like no other 3 1/2 year old I've seen. He recently has taken a liking to baby dolls, but probably not like you would think. For example, he has wrapped their legs in a bind with his sister's necklace and then hung the baby from the bunkbed so Spiderman could rescue her! He showers at any given opportunity. Baths no, showers YES!
I guess I should at least mention his siblings = ) The girls are both enjoying school. Mackie is extraordinarily enthusiastic about school. So much so that she was disappointed we had a 3 day weekend and one night even cried at the dinner table. Silly girl. Schuyler received an extra effort award last week, which apparently is a big deal as one of her friend's saw it on the refrigerator and made a comment. She has also received the highest score in spelling 2, (maybe 3) weeks in a row. However, she is very modest about her accomplishments. She is willing to share with Mark and I but becomes embarrassed when we ask her to share with grandparents.
Mackie had a doctor appointment this week as there were some skin issues that were concerning me. She has 2 spots on her face where there were tiny blood vessels. One formed early this year and the other just recently. The diagnosis was Spider Angioma. In the case of children, they are asymptomatic and usually resolve on their own, although it may take several years. This is the route we are taking. If they continue to spread or get worse or do not disappear after several years, we may consider removing them. If she gets a third we will need to revisit to make sure there is no underlying issue. The other concern was an area on her leg that did not tan as the surrounding skin. The diagnosis for this was Tinea Versicolor, which is a fungal infection of the skin. So, we will try some prescription antifungal cream.
I'm pretty sure this post will take the award for most randomness!! So, back to normalcy, here is our growing boy...