Oh my, where does the time go? It seems much has happened in the last 2 weeks. Bare with me and my long windedness!
Mack celebrated her 6th trip around the sun or what most people refer to as her Birthday. The original plan was for a very girly tea party on Saturday after her game but another classmate was having her bday party on the same date and time. So, the tea party idea will remain on hold for next year and Mack instead opted for a slumber party with 3 of her closest friends. Her guests arrived at 5:30 and we began with pizza and breadsticks. Next was dessert and presents. I got the most delectable cupcakes from The Cup, champagne flavor, pink on the inside with white frosting, a tiny little flower on top and 100% organic. Unfortunately, I don't think my clan of kids truly appreciated the fineness as the frosting had disappeared but there was much cupcake remnants left on the plate. Oh well. After the present opening, it was time to do finger nails and toe nails. I was so glad to have the assistance of my niece and her friend who were in town to visit the University. I'm afraid my two hands were simply not enough for all the demands requests of the girls. One of the girls had to leave for a t-ball game leaving with us with only 2 extras for the night. So, we headed outside to play and secretly hoped to wear them out so they would sleep. Things got a little hectic at this point with one of the girls on Eli's motorized tractor not aware how to steer and nearly running into Mark's truck, Eli falling off his bicycle, Schuyler needing assistance to get her sweaty knee pads off, etc... So, we decided to head in and quiet down with a movie. Just as everyone was settled, Mark calls me from upstairs with that voice and I know. My heart is racing and I sprint up the stairs. There in my husbands loving arms is our little boy, his big blue eyes welled up with tears and the saddest little face I've ever seen. In the madness, I had assumed Eli went in the backyard with Mark to mow and Mark had assumed he went inside with me. In actuality Eli headed up to the next block on the bike path adjacent to our home. He was smart enough to know he couldn't come back down as he hasn't mastered using the breaks on his bike (a story for another time). So, he stood next to his bike looking sad and luckily one of the neighbors brought him down to us. It made me feel horrible. In fact, just rehashing it makes me feel it all over again.
Back to the party, everyone watched High School Musical 3 and then we attempted bed time. Originally, we had Eli and Schuyler on the pull out bed and Mack and her 2 buds on the blow-up mattress. Eli was having a hard time so he came upstairs. Multiple reminders were given to the girls to be quiet and rest. Then, big bad mom went downstairs to monitor. After no luck, I took Mack back to the bathroom to have a chat. We returned and then dad came to lay down the law. He said if they were unable to go to sleep we would have to call their parents and let them know. That did the trick.
Saturday, we celebrated grill out style with hamburgers and hot-dogs and family = )
Moving on, last week Schuyler attended the UNL soccer camp. It was an all day event from 8:30 - 3:30 Monday thru Thurs. You would think after a day of soccer she would come home exhausted and tired. Not so much. She was in the house long enough to tell our nanny hi and good-bye and was outside again for more soccer!
We are continuing to enjoy our nanny whom I truly believe is Mary Poppins in disguise. She cooks, cleans, and takes wonderful care of our kids. I can't believe how fortunate we are to have found her.
One more random thing. I went to get Eli's summer hair cut and was going to go shorter, not so shaggy, with a little razoring on his neck and by his ears but keeping the length and curls on top. Well, apparently the hair dresser and I were on completely different planets b/c now Mr. E has a very short hair cut. The curls are gone and it's the shortest it's been since he was 9 months old. But, ihe loves it and that's what is most important. I would love to share pics but I'm so behind on blogging I'm not even going to tell you how behind I am on pictures!!
Basking in the morning sunlight beaming in through our window.

We love you Mack!

With the kids out of school, it now truly feels like summer. Last Friday, I spent the day with Schuyler while the other 2 enjoyed their last day at the Montessori with their friends. Schuyler wasn't up for a run but instead chose to roller blade along side ahead of me. We went 3.4 miles or so. She is so good on the trails, slowing down to look back periodically and knows all the places to wait while I catch up or stop and look for cars. She was in full gear, elbow pads, wrist pads, knee pads and helmet with her MP3 player in tow. She is good little rollerblader but we were not without incident. As we were close to the end of our jaunt, I see her stumble on the skates and fall forward, MP3 player flying. I go sprinting to her and see her crying. She looks up and says, "My MP3 player, where is it? Is it broken". I assure her that it's fine and I'm much more concerned about her. She continues, "If it's broke, I want to save my money for another one". I reply, "Honey, if it's broke, Mom and Dad will by you a new one." Isn't funny how kids think sometimes. She did have a minor injury. Of all places on her hip, a big strawberry and a bruise that was initially small but has now morphed into a large, colorful bruise.
The girls have easily adjusted to the new routine of being at home but Eli is a bit slower. He doesn't understand the days of the week, Monday, Tuesday, Wed.... so he has always differentiated by "school day" and "stay at home day". Now everyday is a "stay at home day". His new terms are now a "Sam (our nanny) day" or "a mom and dad day". Seems to be working for now. We are all enjoying our nanny. She has started the kids reading program by a trip to the public library, gone to the zoo followed by a picnic at Sunken Gardens, gone swimming and a bike ride to the elementary school. I need to incorporate a little more arts and crafts but this is exactly what I wanted for the kids = )
Eli is in a "testing" phase. He uses the words stupid and poopy which we do not allow. Let me rephrase, poopy is reserved as a bathroom word and stupid is not allowed at all. He also thinks it's hysterical to spit. So, we are dealing with these not so pleasant behaviors. And the beat goes on..... and the beat goes on....
The past 2 nights Schuyler, who has ALWAYS been our excellent sleeper, has been extremely scared and had difficulties falling asleep. Well, last night we found out why and it has to do with a TV show she watched. Schuyler is very good at choosing "age appropriate" shows. She stays away from violence, profanity, etc... and in general knows the channels we consider acceptable. So, I guess you could say we have a joint monitoring system. Anyway, she found a show about incredible survival stories on National Geographic, Discover Channel, History or something of this nature. I sat down with her to watch the top 3 and kind of wondered in my head if this was something she could handle. They truly are amazing stories of human triumph and perseverance. For example, Beck Weathers who was left for dead on Mt. Everest, the 1972 Uruguayan Air Force plane that crashed in the Andes that was carrying a rugby team and family, Steven Callahan who was lost at sea for 2.5 months, or Aron Ralston who was trapped in a canyon and had to amputate his own arm. Point being, while I think this show was educational I think it has her scenario spinning in her head, something I'm sure she gets from her mother. In fact, she had DVR'ed the show but now asked that it be deleted, which I will happily do so she can sleep peacefully.
And for more off the wall information, I have an inflamed eye. I had been waking up with my eyes matted shut and very blood shot. A shower and allergy eye drops seemed to relieve most of the symptoms but the corner of my right eyes continued to be irritated and itchy. I then noticed a small, clear like pimple on my eye. Apparently, scar tissue under my eye, from a high school basketball injury, is inflamed. We're trying OTC drops but may need to resort to steroid drops if it does not go away. Oh the joys = )
There you have it, folks, our weekly ramblings.
Miss Mack graduated from Kindergarten last Friday with her other 2 classmates. Yes, a giant class of 3. I have to admit that I am a bit old fashioned and still believe that small numbers are best. However, there were many reasons behind our decision to send Mack to the Montessori for kindergarten and we had to weigh the pros and cons. In the end it was the right decision for her. Mack, we are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in your 1st year of school. I'm astounded by so many things... your reading ability, word recognition, spelling, math facts, leadership, awareness of community and so much more. Mr. Tim actually introduced you to multiplication and division! It was wonderful to watch you have your moment on the stage, with a look of pride shining on your face. I have so many hopes and wishes for you.
I hope that your enthusiasm for school continues for many years to come.
I wish you continued success in the classroom.
I hope you hold close and nurture the friendships you have made and look forward to ones you will make.
I hope that you'll have many more talented teachers just like Mr. Tim.
I love your confidence and hope it will follow you to elementary school.
Mack was so excited to walk off the stage with her diploma in hand and her graduate t-shirt in her bag that she almost forgot give Ms. Ann a hug!
All the kids preformed songs. There were 2, one designed for the primary children and a second for the toddler children. Ms Mack delightfully participated in both. However, Eman was not the least bit interested, choosing to instead stand up and down, up and down, lie on his stomach with his head on his chin and just smile with his mischievous grin. Each child is so unique and I can see we'll have a whole new set of challenges and opportunities with him = )
Our plans for memorial day seemed to be in a constant state of flux. Mark ended up wording Saturday a.m. so the kids and I ran errands, went to the park, and got Schuyler's hair cut. After their naps, we thought we make good use of the family pool passes so the kids and I went swimming and left Dad at home to do yard work. Sunday, we left bright and early to head for Hastings since both sides of Mark's family were in town. We had a great time. Eli became good friends with his 2nd cousin Grady and we enjoyed visiting family out at Mark's aunt and uncle's farm. There was lots of 4-wheeler fun to be had by all. Eli, who last year was very timid, was quite the opposite this year, with his white hair flying in the wind, a perma-smile on his face and shouting "Wooooo hooooo" every time they raced past the front porch. Completely unplanned and unprepared, the kids spent the night with Gma and Gpa in Hastings, borrowing some of cousin Justin's old t-shirts that were going to be donated to Good Will as PJs. This allowed me the rare opportunity to get some projects done as I usually have little helpers or I'm up at midnight!
The school year comes to an end today for Miss Schuyler. I'm excited to pick her up. They had a hard day of watching Peter Pan = ) It is also play date week. Schuyler had her good friend over yesterday since she'll be spending most of the summer with her mother down in KS. Mack's play date is tonight since tomorrow will be her last day at the Montessori. Eli will return in the fall but he is wanting a play date as well but that will have to wait for some other week.
I'm trying not to freak out as I prepare the house for a nanny (and myself). This is forcing me to become organized, something I have always struggled with. So, here's to the beginning of summer.
The "active" participant in the performance.

Proceed with caution. There are uneditted pictures below. (GASP!). Mack receiving her diploma.

The hug she almost forgot.