Party preparations are underway for Miss S, who will be 8!! We came up with several ideas and she decided on a Rock 'N' Roll theme. She personally picked out the paper and stickers so we could do homemade bday invites. They turned out very cute as well as being a great activity for the kids and an opportunity for my scrapbook tools to come out of storage! Note to self, next time make sure I have 2 tape dispensers or what ever they are called. One simply did not cut it for our assembly line of 3 kids. She is inviting 9 kids. She wanted 10 while Mark and I preferred 8, our general rule is 1 child per year old, so we compromised on 9. It was very hard for her to make the list but finally cut it down to 7 girls and 2 boys. Mark and I were encouraging her for a girls party, simply for the purpose of planning activities, but I loved her logic in picking friends that were close to her, regardless of sex. This is just another example of her personality and I LOVE it. In her words, if 2 of my good friends are boys, why shouldn't they be included?!
Running has become infectious in our house and it has spread to Schuyler and Mack. It amazes me how the mother's emotions/actions/etc... permeates the whole house! In this instance, it's a good thing. I'm still hovering around 2-3 miles 3 to 4 times/week. My first race will be June 5th where I will run the 5K. Maybe 10K if I can get to where I need to be. Schuyler runs a good distance, probably 1 1/2 to 2 miles. It's a slow jog pace for me and we usually walk a small portion in the middle. Mack just started and I need to work with her. She doesn't understand the concept of "pace" so she sets out in sprint mode and we don't get very far. However, she appears to have a more natural ability for running and I think with a little help, she could be quite the runner, that is if she wants to be. I also splurged on a new pair of shoes. The good people at The Lincoln Running Company set me up with a pair of Saucony's, something new and different as I've been a die-hard Asics fan for quite a number of years. They watch you walk barefoot and based on that, choose 3 or so pairs to try on. So far, I'm very pleased!
To celebrate earth day, or in our case it was more like earth week, we did a number of bike rides. Instead of driving to get the younger kids from school, Schuyler and I biked. I'm sure we looked like quite the site as I strapped Mack's bike into the bike trailer and off we went to get them. It's so nice to have Mack on her own set of wheels leaving me with only 1 kiddo to haul around! We also have been enjoying the trails. It was just late summer last year or early fall when Mack kicked the training wheels so this has been her first experience away from the comforts of our block. She is a bit of a gawker and often veers onto the other lane of the trail. She also does not seem to like anyone within 5 feet of her. It scares me to think ahead to the days when we'll have to teach her to drive!! Eli is our greeting committee. He politely tells everyone hello and comments on dogs he likes, even though they are most likely past by the time he gets the comment out.
Later this week or next week I hope to post bday pics.

was forever ago, it seems I have a lot of catching up to do. As some of you may know, Mark was out of town for the last week of March. The day before he was to leave, Sunday, Schuyler comes down with the stomach flu, just as Mark and I are going to bed. It looks like another night down in the basement. It's a rough night for her and my stomach has a not so pleasant feeling in it. I keep forcing positive thoughts through my head convinced they will make what I know is inevitable stop. However, in the morning it's very obvious it's my turn at the porcelain. I'm so thankful to have such awesome family. My dad was kind enough to take the other 2 to school for me. And, that night, he picked them up for me, made dinner for them, and got them bathed and in bed so I could rest and try to function again. Now, Tuesday is here and I've been looking forward to my annual photography seminar. My MIL comes to town and watches the kids for me, getting them fed, to dance and to bed. My last bit of help came Friday from my mom. Since I had unexpectedly missed a day of work due to sickness, I was behind on a very large project at work. She was able to watch the kids Friday so I could work. My family means everything to me and I strongly agree with the quote, "It takes a village to raise a child". I'm blessed to have a village full of wonderful people.
So, Easter comes, which means it's time for Easter egg dying. If allowed, I know the girls would easily die 4 to 5 dozen eggs. No joke! The kids awoke to a backyard FULL of Easter eggs. That bunny, he is pretty sneaky! Oh, and poor Eli got sick the night before Easter. Luckily, it was only a one time incident due to who knows what!
The best part of spring is soccer. I love the fact that I have a daughter who is so into soccer, maybe even two daughters. I remember the long days of winter when Schuyler could be found in the backyard with her snow pants, boots and a foot of snow trying to play soccer. I think she eats and breathes it. Everyday at recess she can be found on the soccer field, often where she is the lone girl. I know she gets made fun of sometimes for it, she's told me. The thing with her is she's strong. She's always marched to the beat of her own drum and I hope this NEVER changes. We've talked how some people might be jealous, especially the boys. She knows if she loves something so much and it's in her dreams to pursue it. These obstacles are not road blocks but opportunities to overcome and became even better. Pretty big stuff for an almost 8 year old. As for her games, she won the first one 8-0, scoring 3 goals, and won the second game 6-2 with 2 goals. We've had several people come up to us and comment on her skills, etc...
Mack's team has 11 kids on it. Which, in my opinion is WAY too many, especially for micro soccer where there is only 4 on the field. So, I'm problem solving on what to do with this. In the limited she did play she managed to score a goal. Though, at times, it seems she was more interested in how she looked when she was playing.
Inspired by his sisters, I think Eman is ready to join the soccer fun. He has been trying on Schuyler's soccer socks and shoes and was down right made when we wouldn't let him where the shoes to Mack's game, forget the fact they are 7-8 sizes too big and have pink on them. He really is a character. The other day he was parading around the house stark naked with the socks pulled up to his thighs and his sisters shoes clonking on the floor. And, what is it with boys thinking they can drop drawers outside? Last night, I was pruning the rose bush and I turn around to find my son peeing off the ledge of my neighbor's driveway. I quickly go stand in front of him in hopes that it will block the view of the neighbors across the street. I'm so bad, as I'm scolding him telling him he needs to go inside I was laughing hysterically in my head.
Mark's golf season started last Friday with the Master's. It's just a matter of time before I'm a golf widow for the summer!
As for me, I'm training. I have decided I want to run a 10K sometime this year. Reasons why: It's on my bucket list, we are done having a family, the kids are getting a little more responsible and easy, and I'm not getting any younger. So, I'm up to 2 miles but have a long way to go. On a funny note, Schuyler recently got new athletic shoes and she chose Asics, like her mommy. Well, she is up to a size 5, which is not far from my size 7 1/2 or 8. I leave the house when the kids are in bed and keep everything dark so I don't disturb anyone. Anyway, I mistakenly grabbed her shoes = )
Wow, now that I'm done writing my chapter, here are a few pics...