Hi. My name is Jill and I'm a blog slacker! Where has the time gone? Days into weeks and tomorrow is October? Really?
This past weekend was filled to the brim with going here and be there, one after another. Photo shoots, soccer games, church, and an outing with Mark. As the trees begin to turn colors and the weather starts to cool I feel a sense to slow down. Stop and look around, maybe even linger. Give the kids an extra hug and let them know how truly special I feel to be their mother. Tonight we have no activities, no where to be. I have a craving for oatmeal scotchies = ) Hmmm...
Back to the weekend, I had the pleasure of solo-coaching both Schuyler and Mack's soccer games. They both ended up tying and each scored a girl = ) I LOVE the game of soccer but even more LOVE to help young girls learn the game and grow. Mark's parents came up for the weekend so Mark and I could enjoy a round of golf with some friends. Saturday's weather was perfect! Us girls even got a legit birdie playing best ball = ) I hit the green with my drive and my friend sunk the putt in the hole!! Afterwards, we watched the game at the Embassy.
Schuyler has become a fan of Mia Hamm. We bought a children's book about her and she likes to read it in her leisure. Lately, she has most enjoyed tooling around the sidewalk on her rollerblades.
Mack is enjoying kindergarten. Her favorite activity is writing in her journal and making illustrations.
Eli, well he continues to collect sticks and rocks. It is not uncommon for me to find rocks in my purse or hear a lound banging coming from the dryer and the cause is usually a rock in one of his pockets.

One of the rugrats and my mom.

The good, the bad, and the unknown. Where to start?!
Last week I started a bootcamp fitness program. It's time to tone this body of mine and get some muscle definition back! I could tell after the first session last Thursday it was a good work out. Muscles I forgot I had were hurting. I do it over my lunch hour and I wasn't sure I could lift my sandwich to my mouth my arms hurt so bad. The man who runs it is Steve Auxier. He actually comes to Ameritas: 2 times a week during the lunch hour and 2 times a week after work. I believe he is eventually opening his own gym but for now he holds sessions around the Lincoln area. Go check out his website. I've heard from several individuals he is one of the best trainers in town.
Schuyler had a phenomenal soccer game on Saturday. She played half the game in goal and half as center midfield. She scored a goal and stopped numerous balls as goalie. The girl is tough! I was so proud of her! As our head coach was gone, I got a little taste of being head dog. The opposing team scored 3 goals in the last 2-3 minutes of the game. It was not pretty and much due to having the wrong girls in at the wrong time or in the wrong position. In other words, coaching error. Oh well. Unfortunately the better team (us) lost, but that's how it goes some times!
Saturday night, my father took the kids overnight so Mark and I had a chance to go out and celebrate our anniversary! We went to Fireworks and rented a movie. The whole night cost us a little over $10!! Got to love gift cards = ) Thank you dad!
Sunday was Mack's first soccer game. She had been counting downs days and hours! I forgot just how small their field is and how small they look on the field and in their soccer gear. As typical of a first game, there was a fair share of confusion. Every once and a while I would observe Mack playing with her hair!! However, she was the only one on her team to score a goal! She had a grin from ear to ear.
Eli had a fever ALL weekend long. From the time I picked him up on Friday until Tuesday a.m. We took him to the Dr. on Monday to rule out the possiblity of anything else. He is all healthy now.
This Tuesday marked Mack's official first day of kindergarten, although she has already been working on the material. Everyday, she comes home with a list of words...dog, pan, cat , etc... She is so enthused to be one of the leaders! Eli comes and visits her room and she loves to help him. I'm not sure that feeling is recripocated by Eli = )
We have had some anouncements at work and a massive reorganization is in our future. We have new org charts but decisions about who will be placed where will not be decided until some time Nov. It's an unsettling feeling as I truly enjoy my job, co-workers and manager.
Here are 2 new faves of my kiddos and one of Mack in her soccer gear!

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!!