she beat you to the base, uh-huh! Just an old softball chant I thought was fitting = ) Last week marked the end of softball season. Schuyler had a good season. I think her favorite position at this point in time is 1st base. I have also been working with her on the side on pitching = ) Mack and Eli have got into the fun as well. Mack is working on throwing and hitting. Eli likes batting off the tee = )
Obviously, a lot has gone on since my last blog post! The girls also enjoyed vacaction bible school last week. There were some later nights which made for tired kids but they had a lot of fun. Here, you can see the fun! Look for Mack in the 2nd picture down on the very left hand side. The theme was crocodile dock and Eli thought the croc was pretty cool. He gave him some high fives and even a love = ) As a grand finale celebration, they rented star city shores, the Lincoln waterpark on Friday from 8:30-10.00. It was uncharacteristically chill for this time of year. We arrived promptly at 8:30. Mack was done at 9:10 and Schuyler was done 5 of so minutes later! Schuyler's last day of Husker Kids is today. As a thank you, we brought in some breakfast pizza this week for the staff. Schuyler made me bring my camera to get some pics of her and her friends and camp counselors. Her favorite is David. Today, they were having a water fun day! She has had a good time and I have been so pleased with the program. She will miss all the activities!
This weekend will be busy. Schuyler is having a friend spend the night. Mack has a playdate Saturday and then bday party on Sunday. Throw in 2 photo sessions and that is one busy weekend = )
I've kept busy with lots of photo shoots and more to come!