The images below pretty much sum up how we spend our summers. Outdoors. There are a few things missing like...grilling, sprinklers, swimming, rollerblading, softball (and the various other sports)etc... but it gives the gist of what we do.
Alot of riding bikes, trikes, hot wheels, etc... Of course, fitting with her personality, Mack has to ride in style!!!

Playing in the grass. Or, in the case, playing with the grass = )

Good old sidewalk chalk fun!

I can't believe how fast summer goes. The girls are enjoying their second week of swim lessons. They have both improved so much and it's been nice to have them at the same time and not different times. Schuyler is swimming at a level 4 and Mack at a level 3. Schuyler was my child who was deathly afraid of the water when she was little so she has made great strides. Mack, on the other hand, took to the water immediately. I think Eli will be the same, beings he keeps saying I swim too and is not afraid to just jump in. As you can imagine, I keep a very close eye on him when we swim = )
Mark is playing in a golf tournament tomorrow.
I've come down with a summer cold and I'm trying to get rid of it!
Happy (belated) bday to our dog, Sadie. She doesn't ever get any blog love. We couldn't have asked for a better dog. She is getting some grays on her but she's still a pretty girl! Sadie was our first "baby" and then came the addition of our 3 kids. She's been there to protect every one of them and puts up with their rough housing. She's still a cuddler and takes advantantage of any opportunity to sneak into one of our beds = )

That's what I feel like sometimes. Just keep moving forward, no time to stop. Move from one project to the next, both at work and home.
Mark and I have decided we are going to put our house on the market. Our target date is Aug 1st, so we'll see if we actually hit it. Last week, the girls went to Hastings to spend time with gma and gpa and one of their cousins. It allowed us to get work done and none of the kids had daycare so it was good timing. Eli spent 2 days with his 2nd cousin. I think it would be 2nd cousin? It's my cousin's son? Anyway, he had a good time. Mark and I took some days off together to make progress on the house. We prepped the yard and laid sod. The wallpaper in the basement that was beneath the chair rail is gone and we have paint waiting to go on. I have taken 5 1/2 bags to Goodwill and sold a tub worth of clothes and several toys. This weekend, we will put drywall up where the built-in fish tank used to be in the basement. Then, more decluttering!!!
The 4th was okay. I have to admit I missed my girls! Eli HATED the fireworks. Literally clung to me. So, I didn't spend any time outside, just watched a few on the TV.
Swimming lessons began this week for the girls. Every night of the week. Schuyler is probably the most exhausted every night from all the swimming she does during the day and at lessons! Tonight, we get to watch and see their accomplishments. Can anyone recommend some good shampoo/conditioner for swim hair? Schuyler's hair needs something!!
Eli had a dentist appt this week. I had the suspicion last week that his 2 year molars might be coming through b/c he was not himself and had quite a few poopies in his pull-up. Sure enough, they are slowly coming in! I still can't say that he likes the dentist and I'm glad it's her fingers getting the brunt of those teeth and not mine!!
Random images to go along with my "keep on trucking"...