She's one mean girl with the squirt gun! We had soooo much fun celebrating Mack's bday. It was overcast but the rain held off, only a few sprinkles fell on us. The sprinklers were going, the squirt guns could not be filled up fast enough, and I'm pretty sure that all the girls enjoyed taking fire at yours truly with the water balloons = ) The ground was already completely saturated but a little extra water never hurt? I even found a Hannah Montanna cake pan which awarded me the title of "Best Mom", at least for the day!

We have enjoyed a lot of swimming this week! I took the kids to Irvingdale pool on Monday and grandma's yesterday. Schuyler already swims everyday and yesterday was her field trip to the outdoor pool. The kids are looking pretty tired.
Today was talent show day at Husker Kids and Schuyler decided to sign up and play her harmonica! I couldn't believe how many 2nd graders signed up!! I love this age, no inhabitions of what others think and there was definitely some great talent. The group performance was cute, too!
and Mack will be 5! She has been counting days since last week. At this age, whe will gain a small amount of independence as she begins kindergarten. And every year after, the indepence slowly increases. She was our father's day blessing 5 years ago, something I will never forget. I remember how proudly Mark held this small bundle of joy with little plump cheeks in his arms. She is growing in so many ways, physically, emotionally, and intellectually. She brings home artwork that is beautiful...usually of our family with flowers, butterflies, and sometimes we all have a crown or tiara...that's our Mack!
We will be celebrating by having a little party with 7 or so of her girl friends. There will be sprinklers, waterballoons, painting toes... I've got some Luau decorations. The only question mark is the cake. She's picked out the kind, chocolate devil's food. She wants Hannah Montana but I'm pretty sure they don't have a cake pan for her and I had a hard enough time free handing the Lion King!!! I'm sure I'll think of something.
Mark's bday was Wed but we didn't really celebrate b/c he helps coach Schuyler's softball team and they had practic. We had cake last night and I will take him out to dinner tonight while the 3 rowdies go to Papa's (thanks dad)!
Happy father's day to all the father's, grandfather's, to-be father's, etc...
My bday girl!!!

Once upon a time, there was a man and woman who fell in love and had 5 kids. Times were not always easy for them as money could be tight at times but they raised these kids to be wonderful, loving adults. Just as their parents, these adults than married and had kids of their own, now making the man and woman proud grandparents. There were 11 of these grand children in total and family get togethers were full of laughter, love, giggling girls, some card playing and a little craziness. These grandkids followed the same pattern and eventually started creating families of their own, now making the man and woman great-grandparents. This leads us to today. There are currently 13 great-grandkids and I would guess this number will increase again someday. But the memories are there! I look at this picture and think how amazing life truly is. (Note - one child is not pitured here).
Happy early bday to my Gma!

Schuyler has been enjoying Husker Kids. They play a lot of sports, swim everyday, and do board/card games for free time in the a.m. In addition, she went bowling, had a cook out, and made a bandana. She is looking pretty tired!!
In addition to my Gma's bday, we are preparing for Mark's and Mack's bday next week! Mack is having an outdoor fun bday party at our house. We are hoping for some sunshine so we can have sprinklers, water balloon's etc... She will be turning 5. I remember this as being a milestone age for Schuyler and am sure it will be for Mack as well. She got to go on a mini field trip with 2 of her teachers to pick out flowers for their flower bed at school. She was feeling pretty special being one of the leaders = )
Yep. That is pretty much how I would describe this weekend!! It started Friday with field trips, field day and end of year celebration. Mack enjoyed watching native american dancers at her field trip. Apparently, she wasn't as impressed with the length of the drive = ( Schuyler had some summer fun with all the different field day activities... bubbles, chalk, face painting, art, soccer game, relays, parachute, bean bag toss, and let's not forget the finale of water balloons = ) We took a friend of Mack's and a friend of Schuyler (who happen to be sisters) to the end of year celebration. They had a good time. Oh, and let's not forget that Eli planted a big old fat kiss on one of his classmates. She was stunned to say the least. Where is that camera when you need it.
The girls golf outing was certainly fun!! The first few holes were a little rusty but it got better with time. Mark had taken the kids to our friends cabin and they spent the night Saturday. It's so weird to be in my house with out anyone!! I watched the 2nd Harry Potter movie, did some vacumming and dishes! I joined them on Sunday. Next time, I'll remember sunscreen on my forehead!
Mackie jumping off the doc...

Look at the bottom lip... You would think the poor boy didn't have any fun (but he did)! Maybe he doesn't like his girly life vest = )

This one, she's just plain crazy = ) (Did you take note of her swimsuit. It's yellow with white pokla dotes). Sing along, "She wore an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini". One of my friend's gave it to her. Thanks P.