is ringing in my ears and I wasn't even the one using it! Yes, the master bathroom has been gutted and the new tile floor is going in. We uncovered some moldy, rotted drywall that was hiding behind the floor board from a leaky toilet sometime in the past 40 years so that will have to be removed. But, progress is continuing nicely!
Mark and I have watched 2 movies in the past 2 weeks. We NEVER watch movies. They are far from newly released but we enjoyed them none the less. "Hitch" and "Fools Love". Both romantic comedies.
Eli is obssessed about riding his "bike", or in other words his trike. Even though it's been 30s, we've been outside. Of course then we have lots of sobs when it's time to come in.
I have to leave my cousin some blog love. Stop over and check out her blog. She is an amazingly talented artist and creates the most beautiful things with paper, buttons, ribbon, etc...
I'll close with a request. Our good friend's recently had their first child, a boy named Elijah James (just like our son= ). They have learned that he has a medium to large size hole in his heart, or VSD. The hole will close with either a surgery or by itself as he grows and they will not know for a couple of months which it will be. While he is fine now, he can be susceptible to bacteria. This is the 2nd family close to us that has been impacted by this. So, while he is not in grave danger, we ask you to send some prayers there way. It certainly is tough when experiencing parenthood for the first time along with sleep deprivation, hormones, etc... and then to have news like this on top. If you aren't the praying type, just send some positive vibes there way. I know they would appreciate it!
Here are a few pics from Schuyler's Friendship Party at school.

An early happy vday to all of you! Nothing like 8 or so inches of snow! That's okay with me. I got to spend the day with my kiddos and did some major baking. Homemade runza for dinner, some peanut butter-chocolate chip cookies for desert. And, we went outside for some snow angels and snow fun in the back yard. The cleaning is still waiting for me. However, the girls did get their room back into respectable shape.
Look what is happening to my oldest daughter. She's growing up. Right before my eyes. She's challenging us... finding her boundaries. I'm sure this will continue for the next 15 years or so. Moments of sweetness, like reading to her brother, helping him up when he falls in the snow and giving him pushes on the sled. Then, there are moments where she seems so ungrateful. "I don't have to". "Fine"! Gestures where she plugs her ears when we talk, stomps out of the room. Where, oh where, is my instruction book!
Demolition begins on our Master bathroom. Actually, there is nothing "master" about it. It's barely big enough for the toilet and sink. However, it needs to be done and we'll be one step closer to getting our house on the market, if we so choose.

Why is it after a vacation you need another day to recoup? Great Wolf Lodge was a blast. The girls tried everything... the regular waterslides and the raft waterslides. Eli was upset he couldn't go on some of the bigger slides but enjoyed the smaller ones. Personally, one day was plenty for me and I'm glad we were staying at a different hotel Saturday night. I have to say I was very impressed with the lifeguards... very attentive. The beds on the otherhand, all sagged to the middle. Saturday, we stayed at the Marriot in the Plaza, which was just minutes from my bro's house. The room had recently been remodeled and was beautiful. However, the pool, which was not yet remodeled, had much to be desired. There was no heat in the pool room or in the pool itself. They could adjust the pool temperature (it would take 2-3 hours) but not the room temp. The hot tub felt like what the pool should feel like. But, the kids enjoyed it anyway and we warmed up with steaming hot baths and showers = ) So many good eats in KC as well... Arthur Bryant's and Cheesecake factory...YUM!
I did NOT take any pics of Great Wolf Lodge. I didn't want the added stress of worrying about a camera. Worrying about 3 kids is enough and I was there to have fun. However, I did get some pics of Nora =)
Eli has been pretening to ride motorcycles around the house. He uses just about anything... my tripod, foldable kids chairs, etc... So, when we spotted a little one at Target for $20, we knew he had to have it. Plus, he kind of gets the shaft with his bday just after xmas. He LOVES it! He was helping daddy put it together last night.
Valentine's day is coming and we have already begun to make our homemade vday cards all 65+ of them. Eli has absolutely no interest in them! I think his sister's will pick up the slack for him = )
And, what you have all been waiting for, 'lil Miss Nora!
This is my fave but I did a horrible job of editting the outlet in the lower right hand corner. I'll have to redo that!!

I got a little carried away with this one and her face got too light. I'll have to fix that, too!

Well, the family and I are taking a little vacation this weekend. We are going to KC to see my sweet little niece, and of course vist my bro and SIL. I will be doing her pictures as well = ) While there, we're going to the Great Wolf Lodge. I'm excited! I'm already starting to make the to-do list of all the things we need to pack! Seems like so much for such a small trip!
Schuyler got her hair cut last week. She wanted to look like Kit Kittredge from American Girl. So, she has a cute little bob and we modernized it by inverting it. She loves it and gets so many compliments. It makes her look older, too. Schuyler also experienced her first roller skating party. The last time I left her at a Birthday party, she broke her arm at Lost in Fun. So, as you can imagine, I was very hesitant to leave her and ended up staying in watching. She took a lot of falls to start with but by the end, she was steadily making her way around the rink.
The potty training continues. I'm not sure I'm set on doing this. Every night I'm doing a load of wash! We'll see!
Here's a few pics from the Shirette Kiddie Clinic.