Yeah! A 4-day weekend awaits us. So, what is everybody's plans? Our is to recoup and rest. Mark had his tonsilectomy yesterday. The surgery itself went well and was short. It has been the recovery that has been the more difficult road. We finally left the hospital around 4:30 yesterday and I was happy to get home. Mark had a rough night but hopefully things will get better for him. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. They are very much appreciated!
Schuyler passed her 1st level of swimming lessons and is moving on to level 2. She has come a long way from the little girl who didn't like to be splashed or put her head in the water. Mack and I will begin Mommy and me lessons at the same time Schuyler starts level 2. Mack is completely opposite and is fearless. With her life vest on, she will jump in the pool and come up w/ a big grin on her face.
Our niece Megan is going to come and stay with us next week. The kids are out of school and Mark will be home still and I will be working to save PTO for when the baby is born. The kids are very excited and I hope to dosome fun things while she is here. Definately take some pics!
The pics are from when the girls' and I went to visit my friends barn clear back in April. So far behind with pics! Have a good weekend!